Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Seed Prep

I have been leaning on the likes of Martha Stewart and Better Homes and Gardens for direction in this adventure.  All of my sources recommend soaking seeds for at least 12 hours before seeding.  The soaking activates the germination process, so you get better results.

They all showed pictures of soaking seeds in bowls, but I was trying a lot of different seeds and once I mixed them up, I knew I would never sort them back out.  I needed a different way.  I ended up using snack baggies, labeled for each variety, and filled them with the seeds and hot water.  I let them soak for 24 hours (my sources say to soak for no more than 48 hours).  Most of them expanded and sunk to the bottom of the bags by the next day, which I took as a cue to start seeding!

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